Leer FM, a community radio station in Unity State was back on-air at 6:00 am on Thursday after eight years since it was forced to shut down and vandalized at the height of South Sudan’s civil war.
The United States International Development Agency USAID handed over the station together with a renovated Mary John Primary School and a community hall as thousands of local populations celebrate the service.
The station – an offshoot of The Radio Community network, was rehabilitated by the Shejah Salaam Project after being destroyed during the civil war that erupted in December 2013.
Philip Bieh Tap, the Deputy Director of Leer County Education Department appreciated the U.S. government for its “generous” support to the people of Leer and the education sector in particular.
Bieh, however, lamented a number of challenges including the lack of enough classrooms, a library and lack of incentives for the teachers as many of them teaches voluntarily.
For his part the Mr. Richard K. Adzei, the Director for Education and Youth programs of USAID congratulates the government and people of Leer for these donations from the American people
“We are all here because of one reason which is the students here, and on behave of USAID, I would like to congratulate the head teacher Mr. Peter and the leadership of Leer County education office,” he said.
“We are all sitting here today with fund from American people however the American people cannot solve all your problems we have to be clear about this.
Mr. Richard appreciated the rapid increase in the enrolments of students in Leer – acknowledging that there was over 400% increase of the school going age in the past one year in this school.
“According to this paper just two years ago there are just 200 students here but now there is over a thousand that is over 400% increase, to Parents it’s important to continue to send your children to school.”
He added that USIAD supports South Sudanese in many ways to make the country a better place to be.
“USAID is supporting the youth of South Sudan, we are supporting young people, children and students of South Sudan to make this country better. If you want to change this country, take advantage of the resources you have, that is where you will see the change and going to school is where you can see these opportunities.”